Canadian Contractor

Nominate an outstanding young leader for Canadian Contractor Rising Stars

This July, Canadian Contractor will celebrate the next generation of outstanding renovation and custom homebuilding contractors – the young leaders who will define this business for decades to come. Now more than ever, it’s time to recognize and encourage younger professionals who will provide the skills and energy to transform Canada’s homes to meet the needs of the future.

The process for selecting these individuals starts with you. To nominate someone you think should be part of this group, fill out the online form on this page (link to the left). Successful nominees will be selected by Canadian Contractor staff and contacted for follow-up interviews.

Nomination criteria

  • 40 years of age or under at the end of 2024
  • An owner, manager or employee of a Canadian renovation or custom homebuilding contracting company
  • Available to provide a photo and interview to Canadian Contractor
  • Demonstrates talent, skill and commitment to our trade

Deadline for nominations: July 29, 2024

The Hammer podcast Rising Stars Special Episode: Oct. 4

Canadian Contractor Rising Stars cover story: Fall issue